I am excited to announce that the Call for Speakers and Presenters is now out for the upcoming ASPECT BC Conference on November 5 & 6, 2020. This is our 30th year of offering the conference and also the 30th anniversary of the formation of ASPECT!
As you all know, converting to a virtual format takes many considerations and I am confident we have a plan for our conference that will meet the needs of the sector. Also, we are working hard to find professional development opportunities for all who work within our member organizations and the sector at large, i.e., the ASPECT conference is not just for organizational leaders.
Unlike several other organizations that are spreading their conferences over several days, we have decided to keep the dates that we had for the in-person conference. We have scheduled 30-minute breaks between each session and will use gamification during the event to keep you occupied if you choose to be. If you have to step away from a session, we will also provide recordings afterward. We are encouraging our presenters to use interactive elements such as polling, games, and discussion groups to keep you involved. Also, there will be no expectation to turn your video cameras on, so you can take a break from being "on" all the time. I might suggest that this virtual format might even be less exhausting as the in-person one.
Below is a copy of the proposed schedule that will provide you with four keynote speakers and up to 24 sessions to choose from. Some speakers are already confirmed, but once the call for speakers and presenters is closed, we'll have a better idea of what will be offered. Be rest assured that we will endeavour to give you the highest quality presentations.
The pandemic is giving us the opportunity to use this time to learn and to collaborate while inviting speakers from the world to participate. I hope to see your presenter applications, and when registration opens later this summer, your conference registration, too.
Janet Morris-Reade