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Thank you for attending the ASPECT Conference 2023. You can find a copy of the program here. We will add presentations and resources from the 2023 ASPECT conference here as they become available. Sometimes, this can take a few weeks to gather.

Professional Interpreting Services in Community and Public Services
Ahmad Maaliji & Angela Sasso

Assessing Social-Emotional Skills for Workplace Success
Pam Khinda, Paul Brinkhurst & Kristin Vandegriend 

Set-Up for Success
Terry Deakin

Preventing the Spin Cycle: In Motion & Momentum+
Donnalee Bell & Trina Stanford    


SkillingUp - Building Digital Equity and Financial Security
Lisa Livingston

Indigenous Skills for Success Journey
Danica Isherwood & Francesca De Bastiani 

Skills for Success: Assessing Transferable Skills
Noah Arney

Using Digital Tools to Boost Learning and Participation
Giselle Shangi-Ellis & Janessa Stuerle

Relational Effectiveness: The Client as Your Compass
Desiree Carlson & Cassie Taylor

Employer Support: The Pathway to Job Seeker Success
Johanna Currie
Handout 1
Handout 2

Medicine Wheel - How to Use for Job Search Activity
Coreen Jenner

Sector Sustainability: Leader Mentorship Discussion
Tony Kirschner
No slides for this session.

Career Development Professional Centre Training: A Fireside Chat
Cassie Taylor, Annika Laale, Rebecca McCarthy, Seanna Quressette & Desiree Carlson

Strategic Plan Implementation
JP Baker

Reimagining Organizations in a Climate Change Disrupted World
Arden Henley & Ingrid Kastens

Buy With Impact: A National Call to Action
Charlotte Lewthwaite

First Impressions Count: Re-Imagining the Intake Process
Annika Laale & Rebecca McCarthy                 

Color Spectrums - Personality Styles Workshops
Coreen Jenner

Our Role in the Social Determinants of Mental Health
Catherine Hajnal & Seanna Quressette

Consultation: Informing the Care Economy Workforce Working Group
Scott Barillaro

Ministry Update
Joanna White & Karen Blackman

2022 Conference Presentation Materials

Thank you for attending the ASPECT Conference 2022. You can find a copy of the program here

Employer Engagement Panel
Riz Ibrahim, CERIC


DUMB Goals
Peter Bailey, Free Rein & Associates



Employment Support for Youth with Disabilities
Sarah Molder, Rebecca Ipe, Emily Flegel, all from CanAssist


Handout 1

Handout 2

Handout 3 

Handout 4

Handout 5

Handout 6

Staff Recruitment & Retention: What Are Other Employment Services Providers Doing?
Diana Dufour-Zand, Mission Community Services; Terry Knight, Creative Employment Access Society; Tricia Gueulette, Beacon Community Services
No slides for this session.

Lessons Learned from LinkedIn’s Province & State-Wide Workforce Development Partnerships
Jake Hirsch-Allen, LinkedIn


Replenish Your Toolkit: Latest CERIC Resources to Support You
Riz Ibrahim of CERIC


Walking the Talk: Leadership for a Multicultural Future
Laurie Koch of MOSAIC & Sandhya Ghai of MOSAIC


Why Put Accessibility at the Forefront of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion?
Alona Puehse of Open Door Group; Trish Kelly of Untapped Accessibility; Jamie Millar-Dixon of BC Partners in Workforce Innovation; Melissa Lyon of Accessibility and Inclusion Matter Consulting; and Nicole Allen of Open Door Group 


Rural & Remote Project
Val Meaney of Val Meaney and Associates & Janet Morris-Reade of ASPECT BC
No slides available - Full Project Report

WorkBC Contractors Meeting
No slides available.

Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship – Not a Last Resort
Zak Edmonds of ETHOS Career Management Group Ltd, Cassie Taylor of Life Strategies Ltd, and more


Hearing Voices
Annette Borrows of DCLS/ILS


Connecting Canada’s New Skills Framework with Employment Services
John Harrison & Danica Isherwood of Douglas College



Team Health Leadership: Avoiding the Pathway to Burnout
Suncha Baptiste, The Federation of Community Social Services of BC


Handout 1

Handout 2

Smudge Medicines Lessons
Lorelei Lyons of 2 Métis Women
No slides available.

Strategic Career Planning - Retention, Engagement, the Bottom Line
Steve Miller of Implicit Career Services; Natasha Richardson, Brentwood Bay Resort


Career Development Professional Centre: What's Next?
Deirdre Pickerell of the Canadian Career Development Foundation


Ministry Update
Karen Blackman, Asst. Deputy Minister, Employment & Labour Market Services Division - SDPR, and Matt Ayres, Chief Labour Market Economist & Executive Director Labour Market Information Office - AEST


Closing Presentation: What's Next for ASPECT?
Janet Morris-Reade, ASPECT BC

2019 Conference Presentation Materials

Values-Based Leadership Overview

A report from the International Career Development Symposium in Norway

Brief Action Planning Handouts:

Leading with Confidence

Lessons Learned from the British Employment Model

Guiding Principles in Changing Times

What do Employers Want from Employment Service Organizations?

Early Results: Social Services Labour Market Research - Contact the FCSSBC to obtain a copy.

2018 Conference Presentation Materials

2017 Conference Presentation Materials

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