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We provide leadership, education, advocacy, and public awareness in support of our members who provide community-based workforce development services.  Become a member and lend your voice to the over 115 organization across the province to ensure that this seeking a meaningful and sustainable livelihood are met.

ASPECT offers member discounts for all professional development – from webinars to in-person training to our always well-attended annual conference.

Choose your membership category and belong to a respected and well-established community.

ASPECT Voting Membership

$300 - $1,000/year

If your organization can be described in the following terms, you are eligible to join ASPECT BC as a full voting member.

  • incorporated and/or registered business or a registered non-profit society or corporation
  • operational autonomy from institutional-based training
  • operate in the spirit of community service
  • demonstrate community engagement
  • deliver direct employment services to clients


Your annual membership fee* entitles you to the following:

  • Be a part of a powerful community-focused voice representing your sector.
  • Coordination and assistance with local, provincial, and federal advocacy activities.
  • Extended Health Group Benefits Plan designed for ASPECT members.
  • Updates on professional development and networking opportunities.
  • Preferred rates for ASPECT BC conferences and events.
  • Executive level positioning statements on sector activity, issues, and concerns.
  • Aspectives e-newsletter.
  • Voting rights at Annual General Meeting.
  • Leadership opportunities as a Board member, regional representative, and/or executive member.
  • FREE job postings on our website and Aspectives newsletter.
  • Participation in member only events and calls



Membership fees are determined by the size of employment services you provide. This is measured by the number of full-time employees (FTEs) who work directly in employment services within your organization. 

If you have a multi-service organization with 100 FTEs but only 25 FTEs work in employment services and training, then your membership fees are based on the 25 employees and not the 100.

Therefore based on the size of your employment services, membership fees are as follows:

10 or fewer FTEs = $300 + GST per year
11-49 FTEs = $500 + GST per year
50 or more FTEs = $1,000 + GST per year

Our fee structure was updated in 2017 to reflect the changing employment services landscape and to more adequately support our advocacy and member services.


Associate Membership


ASPECT BC Associates are individuals and/or organizations that are committed to the principles of community-based training but do not qualify as voting members.

Whether you are an individual or an organization, your annual $300 associate fee entitles you to the following:

  • Be a part of a powerful community-focused voice representing your sector.
  • Coordination and assistance with local, provincial, and federal advocacy activities.
  • Extended Health Group Benefits Plan designed for ASPECT members.
  • Updates on professional development and networking opportunities.
  • Preferred rates for ASPECT BC conferences and events.
  • Executive level positioning statements on sector activity, issues, and concerns.
  • Aspectives e-newsletter.
  • FREE job postings on our website and Aspectives newsletter.


Connecting with people who share your values.

Leadership, advocacy, recognition, professional development, business analysis – all benefits from a vibrant organization built for your needs.

Alumni & Student Memberships


New this year is the opportunity for those who have retired from the sector and those who are considering a career to continue to be involved in ASPECT. The member fee is $100 per year.

Through ASPECT Alumni and Student Memberships you will:

  • Membership discounts on conference and workshop registrations.
  • Mentoring opportunities for those working in the sector.
  • Opportunity to access short-term employment contracts.
  • Updates on professional development opportunities.
  • Aspectives e-newsletter.


Please note that students are required to validate their status as a condition of membership.

300 - 722 Cormorant Street | Victoria, BC | V8W 1P8

Toll Free: 1-888-287-4957
Telephone: 250-382-9675


ASPECT is proud to be a Living Wage Employer    

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