ASPECT members are already thinking ahead to September and planning their events and services for disability employment awareness month in BC. At our last ASPECT member meeting, the question was asked, "what are you doing for disability month?" I think that is a good question for Aspectives too.
Please take a moment to fill out our online form to share what your organization is planning, and I will share the information I receive in next week's Aspectives. Either
follow the link or use the QR code for the online form.
With the current labour market, employers are struggling to fill positions. It is a perfect time for employment service providers to show employers how they can meet their needs.
At ASPECT, we have two webinars coming up next month:
New Tool to Help Employers Gauge Disability Inclusion
September 14, 2022 at 10:00 - 11:00 am
Introduction to the Inclusive Employers Hiring HUB
Webinar Date to be Confirmed
I wanted to acknowledge Nate Toevs and his colleagues at the Neil Squire Society. They hold the WorkBC Assisted Technology Services contract. Nate will be a very busy guy during the month and has made himself available for several events across the province. If you haven't already seen it, here's the link to his
latest newsletter and the
WorkBC ATS website.
I look forward to hearing
what you have planned.
Janet Morris-Reade, CEO