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Help Us Lead the Way!

January 04, 2024 3:34 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


It's that time of the year again when ASPECT is searching for new board members. Due to retirement and shifting job priorities, we bid farewell to former president Val Meaney, treasurer Tricia Gueulette, and directors Peter Bailey and Deborah Bromley. I extend my gratitude to these board members for their exemplary leadership over the past five years, particularly during the challenges posed by the pandemic and the evolving labour market. Val, Tricia, Peter, and Deborah made up a part of the 9-person "dream board," they worked collaboratively, focusing on ASPECT's vision and mission while putting the ASPECT members' needs before their own.  

Now it's your turn to step up, and I invite you to apply for a board position. Complete information is on the ASPECT website, but in short, here's what you need to know:

All board members should preferably hold a senior leadership position within their organization, such as CEO/ED or Director of Employment Programs or equivalent. However, this requirement is reviewed case-by-case in the interest of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion.

  • The time commitment involves approximately 2-4 hours per month for board and committee responsibilities and two in-person meetings scheduled in April and November. ASPECT will cover travel expenses and provide compensation.

  • We offer training sessions for board members, presenting opportunities to enhance your skills and expand your professional networks.

  • Applicants will be evaluated against the returning board members so that we have diverse representation. This process helps us bring in individuals with diverse experiences, especially in areas where we may require additional perspectives. You can access the evaluation matrix by clicking here. If you previously applied to join the board but weren't chosen, don't hesitate to apply again. Each year, we seek a unique blend of skills and experiences to select the most suitable candidate.

  • The application deadline is Friday, January 19, 2024. APPLY NOW!

Correction: In a previous email addressed to our members, I erroneously stated that we were seeking five new board members; however, only four positions are available.


Janet Morris-Reade, CEO

300 - 722 Cormorant Street | Victoria, BC | V8W 1P8

Toll Free: 1-888-287-4957
Telephone: 250-382-9675

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